Archives for December 2009
2009 سنة الشيخ عبدالله بن زايد
No rest for Sheikh Abdullah in a whirlwind year
Although the UAE has registered several achievements over the past 12 months such as the hosting of the Formula One race and the opening of the Dubai Metro, it is possible that what has happened outside of our borders has had a greater impact. And one individual is responsible for what will be seen in the future as the most important year in the UAE’s foreign relations to date. Read more »
Small solutions to the big problem of jobless youth
In reality, the various reports on Arab development make for some sombre reading, but that is not to say that there is no hope. Too many look upon young Arabs as a problem when they are in fact a natural resource more important and powerful than all the gas and oil in the region. Read more »
شبابنا بحاجة إلى دعم
Dubai’s history has always been one of resilience
No other leader in the region starts his day by visiting government departments to make sure that the highest quality standards are met for customer service. As long as Sheikh Rashid, like his father before him, makes sure that Dubai’s young crown prince carries on with this tradition, Dubai’s ruler can rest assured that his city’s premier position as the region’s service and logistics hub is secure for a long time to come. Read more »