Archives for November 2009
What a difference in UAE diplomacy three years later
In 2002, a new window to the Emirates was opened with the inauguration of our embassy in Washington DC’s diplomatic quarter. It’s a 1,500-square-metre building that is proving to be a barometer of where the country is heading. If this is true, our embassy in Washington is a barometer of the UAE’s international affairs, then it’s a bright future indeed. Read more »
نريد المزيد من الإجازات
Play Fair And Egypt May Yet Be Land Of The Rising Son
To his supporters he is a voice of reform in a stagnant country. To his detractors he represents the ruling elite responsible for the stagnation of the Arab world’s most populous nation. However one looks at it, there is no denying that Gamal Mubarak is a powerful force in the National Democratic Party that has been in control in Egypt for three decades. Read more »
A building to honour Dubai’s past and future
Rather than building developments from scratch, Dubai would do well to learn from the experiences of other cities that have renovated older buildings and turned them into national institutions. Read more »