The GCC needs to make up for lost time and implement a strategy with preset milestones and dates to reach an agreement on unifying its laws and regulations concerning foreign direct investment, banking and financial services and the legal system, amongst other issues. If the GCC countries agree on unifying their laws, there may be hope yet for the currency union sometime in the future. Read more »
Is Our Money Safe with Banks?
GCC banks are over speculating when it comes to the real estate sector. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right bank. Read more »
The Importance of Family
Family is important, but when it comes to investments, investors must prioritise according to what they want their money to do. Do superior dividend returns and growth in stock value justify investing in a business with family connections? Read more »
Gulf Family Firms: Visions and Divisions
Family businesses play an integral part in the Gulf economies; they can act as a safety net for their countries and the region to recover sooner. With proper structures in place, government support and succession planning they will lead the Gulf out of this recession and forward into the next decades of the 21st century. Read more »
The Gas that is Sitting Idle
Dana Gas was a victim of fate. Its timing couldn’t have been worse, the expectations couldn’t have been higher and the disappointment of investors in the eventual failure of the company to deliver gas two years after it was founded couldn’t have been more dramatic. Shareholders have had come to terms with the fact that the Iranian gas deal is at worst no longer attainable and at best very expensive and unpredictable. Read more »
What was Emaar thinking?
If Emaar, and by extension the entire UAE stock market family, want to salvage their reputation, then they need to employ more corporate governance and transparency laws. If Emaar wants to carry the baton of blue chip firms, it has to start acting like one. Read more »