The GCC countries must immediately awaken from their state of suspended animation as individual countries and, as a united block, mobilise their enormous wealth to launch a major Iraq rescue plan. Read more »
Welcoming our long-gone neighbors
It wasn’t all bad blood between the Arabs and the Jews; in fact, there were stories of heroism that have gone unreported and unnoticed in the Arab media. Read more »
Just a century ago, a woman ruled in the Gulf
In no other region of the world does the tired old cliché that “behind every great man is a great woman” hold more true than in the Middle East. And yet women have not always played a role only from behind the curtains that are their men but have also occasionally stepped up to share the burden and privilege of leading their people. Read more »
Corruption? What Corruption?
Everyone should be treated equally when dealing with corruption, says Sultan in this important article. Read more »
The Jews of Arabia
The Jewish presence in what is now the Arab world dates back thousands of years; in fact, the very religion was founded in this region. Arab Muslims, Christians and Jews have been living in peace and harmony for centuries, so what happened? Read more »
The Ghost Stocks of the Gulf
There are two kinds of ghost stocks in the Gulf: those that are actually listed but whose equity is so tightly controlled by a single family or two that they are rarely, if ever, traded; or those that are heavily traded but have a faint shadowy presence in real life. Why are companies that don’t trade listed? Read more »