In the Middle East, Dubai stands as a beacon of development, a city that refused to be dragged down by hopelessness that plagues its neighbourhood. For where there was once an endless expanse of sand lie thriving communities, ports, media and financial centres. A city that constantly reminds us even in the worst of times that peaceful coexistence is possible. Read more »
Archives for 2009
Charity, the best Gulf lobby of them all
Today, Gulf states and nationals are starting to understand the importance of non-anonymous charity in combating xenophobic sentiments towards Arabs and Muslims as a result of the actions of some misguided terrorists. For the Gulf States, charity is the best form of lobbying. Read more »
Finding Value Stocks in the GCC
In this piece, Sultan argues in favor of a list of GCC stocks he prefers more than others. Read more »
Dubai, tennis and The Lord of the Rings
The next time you read a Dubai-bashing article in the western press, remember that there is potentially more accuracy in The Lord of the Rings – which took place in a world that never existed. Read more »
The ‘Ajamis’ of the Emirates: a celebrated history
This country is only made whole through such bold steps as taken by the ‘Ajamis’ of the Emirates; it is high time that we recognise the contributions of the mosaic that forms this young nation. The Emiratis of Asian, Baluch, Zanzibari, Arab and Persian origin make this country what it is today. Read more »
Iran: the day the revolution lost its way
The CIA under US President Dwight Eisenhower orchestrated a coup d’etat in 1953 against the Iranian prime minister Mohammed Mosaddeq, one of the first democratically elected leaders in the region. It took the US government half a century to admit any wrongdoing and offer a tepid apology to the Iranian people for meddling in their affairs. Too little, too late. Read more »